Dunia Botic is a performer and singer currently based in London with origins from Greece and Serbia.

As a professional singer she specialises in Vocal improvisation, in Eastern European, Mediterranean Folk and Near Eastern European music. Drawing from her love of nature and connection to people, her music sound involves styles and harmonies from folk songs and improvisations inspired from around the world. She works with a wide range of styles including Jazz, Soul, Music theatre, Film scoring and Makam singing. Trained in theatre she has been working as the lead singer for ‘The Royal Shakespeare Company’ appearing in number of productions including ‘Timon of Athens’, ‘Tartuffe’ and ‘Museum of Baghdad’ at Stratford-upon-Avon’s Royal Shakespeare theatre and Barbican.

Her current project is teaching at the Lamda Theatre Academy, how to create rhythmical and vocal compositions through structural vocal improvisations for ancient Greek chorus.